Enjoying Raym's stories? Consider these eBooks...

“It is a “must read” for everyone, especially those embarking on a spiritual journey. I highly recommend it”
Dr. Patricia Bragg ND PhD.
“…easy to read, entertaining and informative. An indispensable guide. Highly recommended”.
Your Destiny Magazine.

“Raym is a master story-teller, but more than that, his stories are factual, these things are experienced by real people.
You will read fascinating details of realms hidden from most of us. One day you may even be able to apply what you learn here in your own life.”
Elizabeth Jewell, LivingNow Editor

About Crystal Dreaming®
“Raym has developed a powerful and truly transformative therapeutic method… I can confirm, as a scientist, as a doctor and as a psychiatrist that what I experienced was life changing”.
Dr D Burton MB.BS B(sci)